P1W6: Food Waste and Solutions

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P1.6.2 Food Waste Worldwide

Grab your fork and let’s dive into the not-so-delicious truth: humanity has mastered the art of wasting food. Every year, we toss away a mind-blowing 1.3 billion tons of food. That’s enough to feed 2 billion people, twice the number of people who go to bed hungry every night. Bravo, humans. Truly inspiring.

Where Does It All Go Wrong?

Picture this: a juicy apple, grown on a farm with care. But wait, someone decided it wasn’t “pretty” enough for the store. Into the trash it goes! In fact, most food waste doesn’t even make it to our plates:

  • Farm Stage: Crops rot because machinery fails, or they don’t meet supermarket beauty standards.
  • Transport Stage: Trucks with zero chill scatter grains on highways like birdseed.
  • Store Stage: We reject "ugly" carrots because, heaven forbid, they have curves.
  • Home Stage: We buy three heads of lettuce, forget them in the fridge, and then declare them science experiments.

By the Numbers

  • USA: Each person wastes 71 kg/year. That’s basically a small child in rotten bananas and leftover pizza.
  • India: 54 kg/person/year. Yes, even in a country battling hunger.
  • China: A whopping 77 kg/person/year, proving that it’s not just a Western problem.

Why It Matters

When you throw away food, you’re not just wasting calories. You’re wasting:

  • Water: Enough to fill 50 Olympic swimming pools a year.
  • Energy: To grow, harvest, and transport food that no one eats.
  • Money: Up to $1 trillion annually, because why not spend big on trash?

What is worse, we are producing greenhouse gases and heating our planet. Isn't it hot enough?  Yep, your uneaten curry contributes to climate change.

What Can We Do?

Here’s your recipe for change:

  1. Plan Your Meals: Unless you’re opening a fridge museum, buy only what you’ll eat.
  2. Love Your Leftovers: Today’s roast chicken can be tomorrow’s soup or sandwich.
  3. Ugly Food Love: That wonky carrot tastes just as good as a perfect one. Promise.
  4. Compost Scraps: Give your food a second life as plant food instead of landfill decoration.
  5. Portion Control: Start small; you can always go for seconds. (And thirds, no judgment.)