5.3 World of Homes

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5.3.12 SDG 11

Have you ever thought about what makes your home or neighborhood a great place to live? Is it the parks where you play, the safe streets, or the friendly neighbors? For many kids around the world, having a safe and happy place to live isn't guaranteed. Millions of people don’t have a safe or comfortable place to live. Some live in crowded slums, others in homes that can’t stand storms, floods, or earthquakes. In many places, people lose their homes because of disasters, wars, or even poverty. That’s why the world came up with SDG 11: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.” Communities, and people like us work together to create better housing, cleaner cities, and stronger, greener homes. It’s a big job, but every step makes life better for someone.

It’s about making sure everyone, no matter where they live, has a home that is:

  • Safe: So people feel protected from disasters like floods or fires.
  • Strong: Homes, roads, and schools that can handle storms or earthquakes.
  • Green: Using materials and designs that don’t hurt the planet.
  • Fair: Helping everyone, even those who lost their homes, to find a place to live.

In these stories people are living in different houses. Match each house to one or more SDG 11 goals.