6.9 Materials: Using and Reusing

Understand /10
6.9.21 Composting

Steps to Start Composting:

Choose a Compost Bin:

  • Use a store-bought bin or make one from a bucket or wooden box.

Wow, this one is a fancy wooden bin for professionals. πŸ‘€

Layer Green and Brown Waste:

  • Green (wet): Fruit peels, veggie scraps, coffee grounds.
  • Brown (dry): Dry leaves, shredded paper, cardboard.
Keep It Moist and Aerated:

  • Sprinkle water if it’s too dry and turn the pile with a stick or fork every week.
Wait for the Magic:

  • In a few months, your waste will become nutrient-rich compost ready for your garden.

Common Mistakes and Fixes:

  • Bad Smells? Too much green waste. Add dry leaves or paper.
  • Pests? Avoid adding meat, dairy, or oily foods.
  • Bread, chapati, naan, pita. Bread decomposes quickly and can attract pests like rats, mice, or insects πŸ€πŸœ. Bury it under other materials like leaves πŸ‚ or grass clippings 🌿 to avoid attracting pests.


  • Would you try composting?
  • Do you have scraps at home to start composting?
  • Which step do you think is the hardest?