P1W9: Clean Air
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P1.9.6 Air, The Breath of Life
Air Quality at Home
- What type of stove or heating device do you use in your home?
- We use a gas stove for cooking and an electric heater in winter.
- We have an electric stove and use a wood-burning fireplace for heat.
- Do you use any type of fuel for cooking or heating? If so, what type?
- Yes, we use natural gas for the stove.
- We use wood in the fireplace but no fuel for cooking.
- Does your stove or heating use oxygen from the air in your home?
- I think the gas stove does because it needs oxygen to burn.
- Yes, the fireplace uses oxygen to keep the fire going.
- What are the waste gases produced by your stove at home?
- Probably carbon dioxide and maybe a little carbon monoxide if the flame isn’t burning properly.
- Mostly smoke and maybe some carbon dioxide from the wood fire.
- Do you have any ventilation, like an open window, to help let fresh air in while cooking?
- Yes, we always open the kitchen window when cooking.
- We open a window near the fireplace so it doesn’t get too smoky.
- Have you noticed any issues with the air quality inside your home when cooking or heating?
- Sometimes it smells a bit smoky, but it’s okay if we use the exhaust fan.
- Sometimes the fireplace makes the room smell like smoke, and it feels stuffy.
Breathing in Space
- How do astronauts breathe on the Moon where there is no air?
- They carry oxygen tanks in their spacesuits.
- They use oxygen from tanks inside their spacesuits.
- What is a spacesuit, and why is it important for astronauts?
- It’s like a mini spaceship they wear that protects them from no air, extreme temperatures, and radiation.
- It’s special clothing that keeps them alive by providing oxygen and protecting them from space conditions.
- Why can’t people survive outside on the Moon without special equipment?
- There’s no oxygen or air pressure, and it’s too cold.
- There’s no air or oxygen, and the temperatures are too extreme.
- What would happen if an astronaut’s spacesuit got damaged while outside the spaceship?
- Air would leak out, and they wouldn’t be able to breathe. They’d have to fix it fast.
- They could lose air and need to fix it quickly to survive.
- What do you think it would feel like to wear a spacesuit every time you went outside?
- It would be exciting but also heavy and uncomfortable after a while.
- It would feel like carrying a lot of weight, but also like being a real explorer.
- Imagine designing a new type of spacesuit. What special features would it have?
- Mine would be lightweight, have built-in heaters, and let you jump higher.
- Mine would have jet boosters to fly around and a touchscreen to control everything.
- Have you ever worn something heavy or uncomfortable for safety, like a helmet or special shoes? How did it feel?
- I wore a helmet while biking, and it felt hot and itchy, but I knew it was important.
- I wore ski boots once. They were so heavy that I kept falling over.
- Would you like to explore the Moon or Mars? Why or why not?
- Yes! It would be amazing to see new places and float around in zero gravity.
- Maybe. It sounds exciting, but I’d miss being able to go outside easily.
- What do you think you’d miss most about Earth if you lived in space?
- I’d miss the fresh air and green trees.
- I’d miss playing outside with my friends and seeing flowers and grass.
- What would happen to the air if all plants disappeared from Earth?
- There would be less oxygen, and we might not be able to breathe properly.
- The oxygen would slowly run out, and we wouldn’t be able to survive.
- What do you think Earth would look like today without oxygen?
- It would look empty and dead, like the Moon, with no animals, plants, or people.
- It would be dark and lifeless, with no people, animals, or plants,just empty land.