P1W3: Water Pollution

Understand /3
P1.3.5 What is in Water


1. Personal Choices

  • Where do you usually get water when you are thirsty? From the tap, the supermarket, or do you already have bottled water at home?
  • Why do you choose tap water or bottled water?
  • Have you ever compared the taste of tap water and bottled water? Which do you think tastes better?

2. Comparing Tap and Bottled Water

  • Is bottled water cleaner than tap water? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think bottled water costs so much more than tap water?
  • What are people paying for when they buy bottled water?
  • If bottled water often comes from taps, why do you think people still buy it?
  • Do you think companies care more about health or profit? Why?

3. Plastic Bottle Pollution

  • What happens to plastic bottles after people drink the water?
  • Why do you think plastic bottles from the US end up in India?
  • What could we do to reduce the use of bottled water?

4. Arsenic in Water

  • What do the red and purple colours stand for in the map?
  • Which colour means more poisonous water in wells?
  • Is there arsenic in the wells around your place?
  • Which areas have the most poor-quality wells?