P1W10: Air Pollution
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P1.10.4 Lung Health
Bad Smells
- Have you ever noticed strange smells, smoke, or haze in the air where you live? How does it make you feel?
- Sometimes, I notice a smoky smell, especially when people burn trash nearby. It makes my throat feel scratchy and my eyes sting.
- Yes, I’ve smelled something like chemicals when factories are running. It makes me feel uncomfortable and worried about breathing it in.
- Do you think the air around you is clean? Why or why not?
- No, because I often see a haze in the air, and it smells bad in the evenings when more people burn things.
- Mostly yes, because we live near a park, and it feels fresh most of the time.
- What’s the worst air pollution you’ve experienced? What was it like?
- During Diwali, the air was so smoky that I couldn’t see the stars, and I kept coughing a lot.
- Last year, there was a wildfire nearby, and the sky turned orange. It was hard to breathe, and everything smelled like burnt wood.
- Have you or someone you know ever felt sick because of bad air?
- Yes, my cousin has asthma, and it gets worse when the air is really polluted.
- I had a headache once after being outside for too long when the air was smoky.
- If you could change one thing to improve air quality, what would it be?
- I would make a rule to plant more trees near schools and parks.
- I’d stop people from burning trash and ask them to recycle instead.
- Do you think your daily habits, like how you travel or what you buy, impact air pollution?
- Yes, because we use a car a lot. If we walked or used a bicycle more, it would help.
- Probably not much, but I think using fewer plastic items might make a difference.
- How do you imagine a future with clean air would look? Would you change anything in your lifestyle to make that happen?
- A future with clean air would have lots of trees, clear skies, and no smoky smells. I’d try to use public transport more.
- It would be great to have cities with electric buses and bikes everywhere. I’d plant a small garden at home to help.
Protect Your Lungs
- What do you usually do when the air outside is very polluted?
- I stay indoors and close all the windows to keep the air inside cleaner.
- I wear a mask if I have to go outside and avoid walking near busy roads.
- Have you ever worn a mask because the air was bad? How did it feel?
- Yes, it felt hot and made it harder to breathe, but it helped me feel safer.
- I’ve worn one during Diwali, and it was a bit uncomfortable, but I got used to it.
- Do you have an air purifier at home? If not, do you think it would help?
- No, we don’t have one, but I think it would make the air indoors fresher.
- Yes, we have one, and it helps when the air is dusty or smoky outside.
- Have you ever had to stay indoors because the air outside wasn’t safe? What did you do to pass the time?
- Yes, I stayed indoors and played board games with my family.
- I stayed inside and watched movies and read books.
- Do you notice a difference in how you feel when the air is cleaner versus polluted?
- Yes, when the air is clean, I feel more energetic and can breathe easily.
- Definitely! Clean air makes me feel fresh, but polluted air gives me headaches.
- If you could change one thing about how people treat the air in your area, what would it be?
- I’d ask everyone to stop burning trash and start recycling more.
- I’d encourage people to use bicycles or walk instead of driving short distances.
- Have you ever helped plant trees or taken part in a cleanup to improve air quality? How did it feel?
- Yes, I planted trees at school. It felt good knowing I was helping the environment.
- I joined a cleanup near the park, and it felt amazing to see the area look so much better.
- What’s one small thing you or your family could do to make the air around your home cleaner?
- We could use fewer plastic items and recycle more.
- We could avoid using the car for short trips and walk instead.
- Have you ever talked to a friend or family member about air pollution? What did they say?
- Yes, I told my cousin about the AQI, and she said she didn’t realize how bad the air was in our city.
- I talked to my dad, and he said we should start planting more trees in our yard.
- If someone close to you got sick because of bad air, what would you do to help them?
- I’d make sure they stay indoors and use a mask if they have to go outside.
- I’d take them to the doctor and try to keep the air in our house as clean as possible.