P1W10: Air Pollution
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P1.10.4 Lung Health
Bad smells
- Have you ever noticed strange smells, smoke, or haze in the air where you live? How does it make you feel?
- Do you think the air around you is clean? Why or why not?
- What’s the worst air pollution you’ve experienced? What was it like?
- Have you or someone you know ever felt sick because of bad air?
- If you could change one thing to improve air quality, what would it be?
- Do you think your daily habits, like how you travel or what you buy, impact air pollution?
- How do you imagine a future with clean air would look? Would you change anything in your lifestyle to make that happen?
Protect your lungs
- What do you usually do when the air outside is very polluted?
- Have you ever worn a mask because the air was bad? How did it feel?
- Do you have an air purifier at home? If not, do you think it would help?
- Have you ever had to stay indoors because the air outside wasn’t safe? What did you do to pass the time?
- Do you notice a difference in how you feel when the air is cleaner versus polluted?
- If you could change one thing about how people treat the air in your area, what would it be?
- Have you ever helped plant trees or taken part in a cleanup to improve air quality? How did it feel?
- What’s one small thing you or your family could do to make the air around your home cleaner?
- Have you ever talked to a friend or family member about air pollution? What did they say?
- If someone close to you got sick because of bad air, what would you do to help them?