P1W2: Dwindling Water

Understand /5
P1.2.5 Water Discussions II.


1. Finding Water

  • Have you ever tasted water from a spring, river, or rain? How did it taste compared to bottled water?
    • "Yes, I have tasted water from a spring, and it was very fresh and cold."
    • "Rainwater tasted clean, but it was different from bottled water."
    • "No, I have never tried water from a spring or river."
  • What’s the most creative way you’ve seen or heard of someone finding water in nature? Would you try it?
    • "I saw someone collect dew from grass in the morning. I think I would try it if I needed water."
    • "I heard about people digging in dry riverbeds to find water, but I don’t think I could do it."
    • "I don’t know any creative ways, but I would like to learn."
  • If you had to collect rainwater, what tools or items would you use?
    • "I would use a bucket, a big bowl, or a plastic sheet to collect rainwater."
    • "I could use a tarp or a clean pot to catch the rain."
  • How would you save water if you were running low at home?
    • "I would take shorter showers and reuse water for plants."
    • "I would turn off the tap while brushing my teeth and use less water for cleaning."
    • "I would only use water for important things like drinking and cooking."

2. What Do You Think?

  • We drink too much water.
    • "I think we drink a lot of water, but it is necessary for our health."
    • "No, I don’t think we drink too much water because our body needs it."
  • There are more and more people, and they need more water than before.
    • "Yes, I agree because more people means more water is needed for drinking and washing."
    • "I think this is true, and it is why we need to save water."
  • The houses are bigger, and they need more water to clean them.
    • "Yes, big houses use a lot of water for cleaning and gardens."
    • "I think bigger houses waste more water than smaller ones."
  • In some places there is not enough rain.
    • "Yes, in dry areas, people don’t get enough rain to fill their water tanks."
    • "I agree because some places have deserts where it hardly rains."
  • In some places the weather has become too hot.
    • "Yes, hot weather makes water dry up faster, and people need more water."
    • "I think this is true because global warming is making many places hotter."
  • Factories make the water in rivers dirty.
    • "Yes, factories dump chemicals and waste into rivers, which makes the water unsafe."
    • "I agree because dirty water from factories can kill fish and harm plants."
  • Some rivers have less water.
    • "Yes, I think rivers are drying up because people use too much water or there is no rain."
    • "This is true because I have seen rivers in my area become smaller over the years."
  • Our factories don’t make enough water.
    • "I don’t think factories can make water because water comes from nature."
    • "This is not true because factories cannot create water."

3. SDG 6

  • Do you and your family have enough water? Is it clean and safe all the time?
    • "Yes, my family has enough water, and it is clean to drink."
    • "No, sometimes we don’t have enough water, and we need to store it."
  • Do plants and animals have enough water around you? Is it clean and safe all the time?
    • "Yes, plants and animals have enough water, but sometimes it is dirty."
    • "No, in dry seasons, animals and plants don’t get enough water."
  • Do you know about places where there is not enough water or the water quality is poor?
    • "Yes, I have heard about some villages where people don’t have enough water to drink."
    • "No, I don’t know any places like that."
  • Do you have dirty rivers or lakes around your place? If so, why are they dirty?
    • "Yes, there is a dirty river near my home because people throw trash in it."
    • "No, the rivers and lakes near me are clean."
  • Is your drinking water safe? Clean? Where does it come from?
    • "Yes, my drinking water is safe, and it comes from the city supply."
    • "No, our drinking water is not always clean, so we filter it."
  • Does everyone have access to toilets and bathrooms in your community? Are they clean and safe?
    • "Yes, everyone in my community has clean and safe toilets."
    • "No, some people in my area don’t have access to toilets."
  • Have you ever dumped trash into water? What about your community?
    • "No, I have never dumped trash into water, but some people in my community do."
    • "Yes, I threw trash in water once, but now I know it’s wrong."
  • Are you using water wisely? Your family?
    • "Yes, my family uses water carefully by fixing leaks and using only what we need."
    • "No, sometimes we waste water, but we are trying to be better."