P1W1: Water, Essential for Life

Understand /6
P1.1.8 Water Discussions I.


1. About Water

  • How long do you think you can live without water?
    • "I think a person can live without water for about three days."
    • "Maybe a week, but it would be very hard."
  • Have you ever been very thirsty? What happened?
    • "Yes, I was very thirsty once, and my mouth felt very dry."
    • "Yes, I was very thirsty, and I had a headache and felt tired."
    • "No, I have never been very thirsty before."
  • How can your body lose water?
    • "Your body loses water when you sweat or go to the toilet."
    • "You lose water by crying or when you breathe."
  • How much water do you drink a day? (How many cups?)
    • "I drink about six cups of water every day."
    • "I only drink three cups of water each day."
    • "I drink more than eight cups of water every day."

2. Water Usage

  • Daily water usage
    • How much water do you use for washing yourself? (shower)
      • "I think I use about 10 liters of water for a quick shower."
      • "I use 50 liters or more when I take a long shower."
    • For making your food?
      • "I use about two liters of water to cook food each day."
      • "Cooking food takes around three liters of water."
    • For washing your dishes?
      • "I think I use about 10 liters of water to wash dishes every day."
      • "Washing dishes takes around 20 liters of water in my home."
    • For the toilet?
      • "We use about five liters of water every time we flush the toilet."
      • "The toilet uses around 10 liters of water each day."
  • Weekly water usage
    • For washing your clothes?
      • "We use around 50 liters of water every week to wash clothes."
      • "My family uses more than 100 liters to wash clothes every week."
    • Can you think about anything else you use water for?
      • "We use water to clean the house and water the plants."
      • "We also use water to wash our car sometimes."

3. Water Quality

  • Have you heard about typhoid?
    • "Yes, I have heard about typhoid before."
    • "No, I do not know what typhoid is."
  • Do you know someone who had typhoid?
    • "Yes, a friend of mine had typhoid."
    • "No, I do not know anyone who had typhoid."
  • How can you recognize this illness?
    • "You can recognize typhoid by fever, stomach pain, and diarrhea."
    • "People with typhoid feel weak and sick."
  • Would you drink the water this family buys?
    • "Yes, I would drink it if it looks clean and safe."
    • "No, I would not drink it unless it is boiled or filtered."

4. Water in Places

  • Where does your water come from?
    • "My water comes from a river near our village."
    • "We get our water from a well in our backyard."
    • "Our water comes from the city supply system."
  • Do you have enough water?
    • "Yes, we always have enough water at home."
    • "No, sometimes we run out of water in the summer."
  • Is it good water to drink?
    • "Yes, our water is clean and safe to drink."
    • "No, our water needs to be filtered before drinking."
  • Do you live in a dry or wet area?
    • "I live in a dry area where it doesn’t rain much."
    • "I live in a wet area where it rains often."
  • Do you have a lot of rain?
    • "Yes, we get a lot of rain during the rainy season."
    • "No, we don’t have much rain in our area."
  • Are there rivers in your area?
    • "Yes, there is a big river near our village."
    • "No, there are no rivers close to where I live."
  • Do you know a canal near your place?
    • "Yes, there is a canal used for farming near my home."
    • "No, I do not know of any canals near my place."
  • What do you think? Should people build another canal? Where?
    • "Yes, people should build a canal near the farms to help water the crops."
    • "No, we don’t need another canal in our area because we already have enough."