7.4 Future of Jobs
backNow it is time to tell the story of how I got my last job.
I had my old job, working for the same, middle-size company for 9 years, as a manager.
One day I was in the office, working, as usual, when I got a strange call. A girl said that her international company was looking for a knowledge manager and she wants to know if I am interested. My first thought was that it was a joke. I am an instructional designer. My second thought was that I don't risk anything if I say yes. So I said, yes.
"Do you have fifteen minutes for us?", she asked. Now I got curious. "Yes", I said, as it was the end of the shift.
"All right", she said, "please turn on your camera. We sent you a test with 15 questions, please answer them."
It was an IQ test. I am not against challenges, so I filled it in and sent back. I got one question wrong, but the girl was satisfied. "You passed the first round", she said, "would you like to go further?"
It was like the TV quiz, Deal or No Deal. Why not? Let's play.
In the next round I received an academic paper to read, then I had to go to their office for test. I answered twenty questions correctly, based on the paper, and passed again. Then I got verbal questions, it also went well. By this time I invested too much into the case, so I wanted the job.
The third round was a 15-minute presentation. I got five questions. I had to work out the anwsers and present it to the company management with ppt.
After that, I didn't hear about the company for a month. I thought it was that, when I got a call. The girl was straightforward, asking, how much my salary is. I answered straightforward. She said, they can offer double of my recent salary, plus bonus. Jaw dropped. 😆 O-la-laaaaaa.
You think this much easy is to get a job. You will be called, you will fill in some IQ tests and land one of the best jobs. However this is only the second half of the story.
When I asked, why the girl called me, she said, because the HR saw my profile and posts on LinkedIn and it was a good fit for the company.