7.5 Non-verbal Communication
backBody language makes up at least 60% of our communication. It is as important as English. When you don’t understand a word or sentence, in most cases you can find out the message from gestures and facial expressions. Reading body language can help you with English communication. Even if you don’t understand everything in English, the cues can give away what your partner wants to tell you. Or just the opposite: you can recognise that what he said is the opposite of what he thinks. Reading body language works, whatever language you speak.
Believe me, your success depends on your body language-reading skill. Researchers point out that people who are not good at interpreting non-verbal communication, have limited success in their lives. There are people who are natural, though. As every skill, reading body language can also be learnt.
Start this way: find a soap opera on Youtube. Mute the video and try to find out the story. Read the actors’ faces.
By the way, if you want to be an actor, this is the most important language for you. The actors deliver the story and express themselves mainly through body language. How sad, we are trained to lie with our body from a young age. Did your mom ever tell you: “don’t pull faces when we visit granny”? Or: please smile, pretend that you like her present”.