7.1Climate Change
backI always thought it was funny that Grandma’s name was Venus. Who names their daughter after a planet? She said because she was from Venus. Every night, she told us, kids, fantastical bedtime tales that made me wonder if she truly was from another world. This is the story that stuck with me the most…
“Back in the day, when I was just a little girl on Planet Venus, we had gentle purple skies and brilliant seas. Our gardens were lush with beautiful flowers that sang whenever the breeze tickled their petals. Yes, they sang like tiny birds. My friends and I would run to see which flowers would sing the loudest. We Venusians loved a good laugh!
But then, the heat started rising day by day. At first, we just fanned ourselves with giant leaves. ‘No problem,’ we thought. But soon, those leaves dried out and crumbled in our hands! The air grew thick and heavy. Back then, we didn’t know greenhouse gases were building up in the air, trapping heat and roasting our whole planet below. Our once‐purple skies turned a cloudy yellow, and the singing flowers wilted away.
One afternoon, our wise scientists told us, ‘Venus will soon be too hot for us to survive.’ So we packed our suitcases, our favorite pillows, and a few singing flowers and boarded a spaceship bound for Earth. We Venusians arrived quietly, choosing to blend in. We learned to say ‘hello,’ to eat pizza (yum), and to make new friends. If you look closely, maybe you’ll notice a neighbor or classmate who seems just a little bit out of this world. Yes, they might be from Venus, too.
Now, Venus is so scorching hot that no Venusian or Earthling can walk there anymore. The air pressure would flatten you, and the clouds rain acid instead of water. That’s why I always remind you to take care of Earth. We don’t want this planet turning into another Venus. It’s the only home we have.”
At this point, Grandma’s eyes always filled with tears. I never quite knew why, maybe she was remembering the purple skies and singing flowers she left behind, or maybe she was just worried.
When she finally spoke, her voice trembled ever so slightly: “That, my loves, is how a Venusian like me found a new home here on Earth. But if it keeps heating up, if we don’t take care of it…” She paused, looking out the window as if looking for another spaceship. “I might have to move again. And I’m not sure there’s anywhere else out there waiting for us. So promise me, you will help keep Earth happy and cool. Goodnight, my darlings.
And with that, she turned off the light, leaving us to dream of purple skies, and the hope that this planet would never become as hot as Venus.
- If you were Grandma, how would you feel about having to leave your home planet behind? What would you miss the most?
- Grandma warned about taking care of Earth. What do you think is the most important thing we should do to protect our planet?
- Do you believe there might be ‘Venusians’ living secretly among us? Why or why not?