6.9 Materials: Using and Reusing

Understand /10
6.9.19 Global Waste Management

The best waste is the waste we never create.

Just a reminder: 

India generates approximately 62 million tonnes of waste annually. Waste in Elephant Terms: 12.4 million elephants.

In Asia there are only around 40 000 elephants left.


Reduce: Create Less Waste

  • How often do you bring reusable items (like bags or bottles) when you leave home?
  • Think about the last three things you bought. Could you have avoided buying any of them?
  • Do you check for excessive packaging when choosing products? How could you avoid it next time?

Reuse: Extend the Life of What You Have

  • What’s the last item you threw away? Could it have been reused or repurposed?
  • Do you donate items you no longer need? If not, what’s stopping you?
  • What’s the most creative way you’ve repurposed something old?

Recycle and Compost: Manage What’s Left

  • Do you sort your recyclables at home? If not, why?
  • What’s one thing in your trash that could have been recycled or composted?
  • Do you know your local recycling rules? If not, how can you find out?