6.7 Navigation, Orientation

Understand /6
6.7.12 Designing a Shelter

Imagining Your Own Shelter

If you were stranded on an island with four friends, how would you design your shelter?

  • What areas would you include (e.g., sleeping, storage, cooking)?
  • How would you arrange them to make the best use of space?

Thinking About Essentials

What items or tools would you prioritize for building a shelter in a survival situation?

  • Would you focus on safety, comfort, or practicality first? Why?

Comparing Real-Life Spaces

Think about your room or home:

  • How does it compare to the shelter design in this unit?
  • What would you change to make it more functional if it were used for survival?

Practical Navigation

Imagine you’re camping with friends, and you need to build a shelter in the forest.

  • What natural features (e.g., trees, rocks) would you use to guide your design?
  • How would you choose the location?

Problem Solving

If heavy rain started while you were building the shelter, what would you do to ensure everyone stays dry and safe?

  • How would you modify the design to deal with the weather?