4 Guides

Understand /8
4.7 Guide: Money

8. Understanding text.

Read the text:

"Across cultures, there are stories about great wealth being lost in three generations. The grandparents worked hard and lived on a tight budget to create the wealth. Their children see the hard work and sacrifice and understands that choices need to be made about money. The third generation, the grandkids blow everything, not understanding the value of money, and become poor."
  • Do you know all the words in the text? Can you find out the meaning of the words you don't know?
  • Tell with your own words.
    • Who saves money?
    • Who becomes rich?
    • Who becomes poor?
    • Why?
  • Who knows better the value of money? Who works hard for it, or who receives it without work?
  • Do you think the text is true? Why/ Why not?