4.04 Sun, Wind and Rain

Understand /12
4.4.12 Water

Dry places, rainy places

There is a place in Libya, where there is no rain sometimes for years. 

Guess: where is Libya? Answer

However there is a place on the Earth, in Chile (South-America), where had no rain at all for 400 years!

Then there are places, where there is too much rain. One place is in India. In Cherrapunji 12 thousands millimeter rain falls every year. It is 12 meter!

Clouds move from place to place. They are formed in one place, then take all the water and rain falls in another place.

Without rain plants die. Without rain we don't have water to drink, and to wash.

  • Do you have dry season? Which months?
  • Do you have rainy season? Which months?