4.01 Cooking and Making

Understand /13
4.1.5 Cooking verbs


Put some water into a pot. Put it on the cooker and heat it. When it is very hot, it boils.
You can put eggs or potato into the water, to make boiled eggs and boiled potatoes.


Roasting is cooking food over fire or in the oven. Oven is the bottom part of the cooker. It has a door. 
Open the door and put the meat into the oven. Then turn on the heat. Enjoy your roasted meat.


Frying is cooking food in hot oil.
Pour some oil into a pan. Turn on the heat. Put the food into the hot oil and fry. You can fry veggies, potato or meat. 


To put butter or soft cheese all over the slice of bread. If you don't spread the butter, it will be only in one place.  
Not only butter can spread, but fire, too. When fire spreads, it gets bigger and bigger.


Dropping small pieces of something over food, for example bread or cake.
You can sprinkle sugar on cake, spices on pizza and salt on bread.

I sprinkle ground biscuit on my plate.


Putting water, milk or vegetable oil from one place to another place.
You can also pour coffee or tea from a pot to a cup.


Turkish coffee is made without coffee maker. People pour some ground coffee into the boiling water, then filter it. Coffee is not nice if there are coffee bean pieces in the drink. 
Filters are made from paper. You can use it to filter the big coffee bean pieces. 


Making food. When you cook food, you heat it, like boiling, roasting or frying. A cooked food is ready to eat.


Cooking meat, veggies, pizza or cake in the oven.


Mix milk with eggs: put eggs into the milk, then move a fork around. You will get eggy milk. Or milky egg :D