4.10 The Animal Kingdom

Understand /11
4.10.8 Doctor Dolittle is in Trouble

Chapter 1

John Dolittle was a doctor, living in a small town in England. His house was small, but his garden was big. He kept pets: goldfish in the garden ponds, rabbits in the kitchen, white mice in the piano, hedgehog on the sofa and squirrels in the wardrobe. A cow, an old horse, chickens, pigeons, two sheep, a duck, a dog, a baby pig, and a parrot.

One day an old woman came to see the doctor and accidentally sat on the hedgehog who was sleeping on the sofa. She never came to see him anymore, she drove to another town far away. The doctor’s sister said that people would not come to see him because of the animals all around the house. She was worried that people would not pay, and the doctor would become poor. But John said that he liked his animals more than the people who he had to treat.

As time went on, the doctor got more and more animals and less and less patients. At last nobody came to see him anymore. The doctor had to sell his piano, but it wasn't enough. He had to buy food for his animals and it was expensive. He became very poor.


  • What can you see in the image?
  • What is in the story you cannot see in the image?
  • Tell this chapter with 1 to 3 sentences.
  • What do you think about John? Was he smart? Was he rich?
  • What would you do in his place? Would you send the animals away to keep your job?