10.9 Life in Eco-villages

Understand /4
10.9.3 Ecovillages Around the World

Torri Superiore (Italy)

Zorp: Whoa, this place looks like a magical maze! Is it a castle? And how do you not get lost?

Torri Superiore Guide: It’s not a castle, but it does feel magical, doesn’t it? Torri Superiore is an old village with over 160 small rooms, all connected. It takes some getting used to, but once you know your way, it feels like home.

Zorp: 160 rooms? That’s more than my spaceship! Do you have a map for visitors like me?

Torri Superiore Guide: Of course! But getting a little lost is part of the fun. It’s like an adventure every day.

Zorp: Hmm, I do love adventures. But what do you do here besides exploring all these rooms?

Torri Superiore Guide: We focus on sustainable living. We host workshops and teach visitors about eco-friendly ways of life, like growing food and using natural resources wisely.

Zorp: So it’s like a school in a fairy tale? How many people live here?

Torri Superiore Guide: We’re a small community of about 20 residents, but we welcome visitors from all over the world to learn and share ideas.

Zorp: 20 people and visitors? Sounds cozy! But… what happens if I take a wrong turn and end up in someone’s kitchen?

Torri Superiore Guide: That’s happened before! But here, you’d just be invited to join for a meal. Sharing is part of our lifestyle.

Zorp: Magical rooms, learning, and shared meals? This place feels like a storybook. Maybe I’ll stay… as long as someone makes me a map!