P2W11: Eco-Life
backCloughjordan (Ireland)
Zorp: Wow, everything is so green here in Cloughjordan! But… does it always rain this much?
Cloughjordan Guide: The rain helps keep everything lush and beautiful. It’s what makes Ireland so special. Plus, it’s great for the farms!
Zorp: Farms? So you grow all your food here?
Cloughjordan Guide: We grow a lot of it together as a community. It’s not just about the food. It is about working side by side with each other.
Zorp: Hmm, teamwork and rain. Sounds interesting. But what about the houses? They look different from the ones I’ve seen before.
Cloughjordan Guide: Our homes are designed to save energy. They stay warm in winter and cool in summer without wasting resources.
Zorp: Impressive! On Zog, the caves aren’t very cozy. How many of you live here?
Cloughjordan Guide: We’re a close-knit community of about 100 people. But we also welcome visitors and teach them about sustainable living.
Zorp: So, you’re like a big, green family? I like that idea. But… can I borrow an umbrella if I stay?
Cloughjordan Guide: Of course! And if it rains too much, you can always join us inside for a warm meal.
Zorp: Rain, farms, and warm meals? This place sounds cozy. Maybe I’ll stick around… as long as my antennae stay dry!