P2W11: Eco-Life
backFindhorn (Scotland)
Zorp: Wow! Giant fans to keep humans cool! Or are they for blowing away bad smells?
Findhorn Guide: Actually, these are wind turbines. They make electricity from the wind. We also use solar panels and build our houses with recycled materials.
Zorp: Fascinating! Did you humans figure this out recently.
Findhorn Guide: Actually, Findhorn has been around since the 1960s. We’re one of the first ecovillages in the world. You could say we’re the grandmother of all ecovillages!
Zorp: Grandmother? Does that mean you sit around telling stories all day?
Findhorn Guide: Not quite! But we do have a lot of stories to share. Back when we started, people thought we were a bit strange for living so close to nature. Now, people visit from all over the world to learn how to live sustainably.
Zorp: So you’ve been teaching humans for decades? No wonder this place feels so wise. What’s your secret to staying warm in this chilly weather?
Findhorn Guide: We bundle up and work outdoors. It is the best way to stay warm! Trust me, digging in the garden can make you sweat even on a cold day. Indoors, our houses use energy from the wind and sun to keep cozy.
Zorp: Sweaty from working in the cold? Humans are tougher than I thought. Maybe I will join you… if you have a scarf to spare! If Findhorn is the grandmother of ecovillages, I’d say it’s a very cool one!