P2W11: Eco-Life

Understand /4
P2.11.1 The Eco Mouse and the City Mouse

The Lesson

Eco Mouse returned to his village, grateful for the clean air, fresh food, and the safety of a community that worked together to solve problems instead of running from them.

City Mouse stayed in the city, always busy, always running, but never truly solving the crises that followed him.

Both mice learned something that day. For Eco Mouse, it was a reminder of the value of sustainability and harmony with nature. For City Mouse, it was a glimpse of a different way of life. One he might someday wish to try.


  • Check out another version of the famous story on YouTube.
  • What are the differences? What are the similarities?
  • Are you a City Mouse or an Eco Mouse? 😉 What do you prefer, city life or village life? Why?
  • What kind of clothes do you prefer? Simple and practical or trendy and branded? Why?
  • Do you enjoy homemade food, or do you prefer eating out? Why?
  • Do you think it’s easier to stay active in a city or in nature? Why?