I. Freedom and Responsibility
1.a. Students are provided by various tools to learn English which they are free to choose from.
1.b. Students might commit themselves to tutor other students. The platform by no means benefits or profits from their activities; the sheer purpose of tutoring is to improve students’ skills such as communication, critical thinking and creativity.
II. Main principle: Altogether respectful and helpful attitude
2.a. Litvill Lesson is to encourage people at all ages to be creative, learning by teaching. Respect opposing or differing opinions, beliefs and conclusions are principally followed. Try to listen to and understand others you may disagree with. Encourage others on the site to also be welcoming and respectful.
2.b. Disagreement and debate are encouraged and are often important to making the page more helpful. It is OK to disagree as long as your comments are civil, respectful, and polite, and as long as you give the impression of assuming good will on the part of the person you are disagreeing with.
III. Rules on Comments, report of errors
3.a. Comments or reports of errors should be informative, must not contain personal attacks, disrespectful or insulting attacks on the lessons content, other comments, or hate speech.
3.b. Comments and reports of errors should be written in English with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and sentence capitalization.
3.c. Comments and report of errors that advocate certain harmful actions (currently: child abuse, pre-meditated murder including genocide, suicide) are not allowed.
IV. Cases of considered violated on Litvill Lesson’s rule
4.a. Actions are considered violated on Litvill Lesson’s rule:
4.a.1. make attacks or otherwise disparage other people,
4.a.2. refer to other people's content with insulting or disrespectful language,
4.a.3. harass others on the site,
4.a.4. advocate self-harm, even in a joking manner.
V. Actions that do not comply with the above rules may be
5.a. collapsed by reviewers or admins;
5.b. deleted, when they strongly detract from the lesson page, or are potentially harmful to the site or users.