P2W3: Habitats

Understand /5
P2.3.5 My Future Home

Imagine the home of your dreams set in the future. Think about how technology, design, and sustainability will shape your house. This is your chance to go wild with your ideas.

  1. Step 1: Imagine Your Future Home
    • Picture your life in the future. Where do you live? Is your house in the mountains, floating on water, or even in space?
    • Think about what your home looks like on the outside and inside.
    • What is your house made of?
      • Describe the materials used to build your futuristic home. Are they eco-friendly, high-tech, or something completely new?
      • Examples: Transparent solar panels, mushroom bricks, recycled plastics, or materials that don’t even exist yet.
  2. Step 2: Add the Gadgets
    • What futuristic gadgets or technologies make your life easier or more exciting?
    • Examples: A robot chef, AI-powered cleaning systems, or a self-sustaining garden that grows your food.
  3. Step 3: Find or Create Visuals
    • Search the internet for images of futuristic homes or gadgets to include in your work.
    • Alternatively, draw your own vision of your home.
  4. Step 4: Write About Your Home
    Write a short essay describing:

    • The Outside: What does your house look like? Is it tall, round, or shaped like something unusual? What is it made of?
    • The Inside: What rooms does it have? Describe the coolest gadgets or furniture.
    • Your Daily Life: How do you live in this home? What activities do you do? How do the gadgets help you?
    • Imagine how your house helps the environment. Does it recycle water? Use solar power? Create its own energy? Add these ideas to your essay if you can!


  • Written Essay: 150–200 words.
  • Visuals: Add 1–3 images (from the internet or your own drawings).

Checklist Before Submitting:

  • Did you describe what your house looks like from the outside?
  • Did you include details about the inside and the gadgets?
  • Did you write about how you would live in your home?
  • Did you include at least one image or drawing?