P1W11: Making Fire

Understand /4
P1.11.5 Fire is Our Friend


Understanding the Basics

  • What are the three components of the fire triangle?
  • Why is each component (heat, fuel, oxygen) essential for starting a fire?
  • What happens if one component of the fire triangle is missing?

Materials for Fire Making

  • What materials can you use as tinder to start a fire?
  • What’s the difference between tinder, kindling, and fuelwood?
  • What natural materials can you find in the wild to start a fire?
  • Why is it important to ensure your materials are dry before using them?

Methods to Start a Fire

  • What tools or methods can be used to start a fire (e.g., matches, flint and steel, friction)?
  • Which fire-making method is most reliable, and why?
  • What are some alternative methods to start a fire if you don’t have matches or a lighter?

Safety Precautions

  • What are the safety steps you should take before starting a fire?
  • Why is it important to clear the area around your fire?
  • How can you prevent a fire from spreading accidentally?

Building and Maintaining a Fire

  • How should you arrange your tinder, kindling, and fuelwood to start a fire effectively?
  • Why is it important to start with small materials before adding larger pieces of wood?
  • How do you keep a fire burning steadily without making it too big or dangerous?

Practical Applications

  • What are the most common uses of fire in a survival situation?
  • Why is fire important for cooking and purifying water?
  • How can fire provide protection in the wild?