P1W4: Solutions for Cleaner Water

Understand /2
P1.4.3 Purifying Water


General Questions

  • Which water purifying method do you think is the easiest to use? Why?
  • Which method do you think is the most effective in removing dirt and bacteria? Why?
  • Which method would you use if you were camping or outdoors? Why?
  • Do you think all these methods make water safe to drink? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever drunk water that didn’t taste right? What did you do about it?
  • What do people in your family or community do to make water safe to drink?
  • Have you ever been in a situation where clean drinking water wasn’t available? How did you manage?

1. Purification Tablets

  • What do purification tablets do to make water safe to drink?
  • Do you think purification tablets are easy to carry when traveling? Why?
  • Would you trust purification tablets to remove all harmful substances in water? Why or why not?

2. Cloth Filter

  • What kind of dirt or particles do you think a cloth filter can remove?
  • Why is it important to use a clean cloth for filtering water?
  • Do you think a cloth filter can make water completely safe to drink? Why or why not?

3. Sand and Gravel Filter

  • How does a sand and gravel filter clean water?
  • What kind of materials would you use to make this filter?
  • Do you think this method is better for large or small amounts of water? Why?

4. Charcoal Filter

  • Why is charcoal used to filter water? What does it remove?
  • Do you think a charcoal filter can remove bad smells from water? Why?
  • Where do you think you could find charcoal to make a filter?

5. Boiling

  • How does boiling water make it safe to drink?
  • Do you think boiling water is a good method when there is limited fuel or firewood? Why or why not?
  • How long do you think water needs to be boiled to kill harmful germs?

6. Solar Disinfection

  • How does the sun help clean water in solar disinfection?
  • Do you think solar disinfection is a good method in cloudy weather? Why or why not?
  • What kind of bottle or container would you use for solar disinfection? Why?