4.08 Water back Understand /11 4.8.1 Liquid Words Back to deck Letters, numbers and symbols.They can show what elements a material is made up. formula A material that can be poured, for example water and milk. liquid A big number: nine zeroes after one.1 000 000 000 billion A material used to give heat or make cars moving, by burning.Wood and gas are fuel. fuel Everything outside the Earth. space A plane to travel into the space. spaceship laugh Air goes in and out of your body. breathe You cry when you are very sad. cry Liquid moves from one place to another one.Water flows in the river. flow He is afraid of new things or people who he doesn't know. shy At the top of something. Upper body upper At the bottom of something.Lower body lower Water from the ground. well A river, built by people. canal truck Know well Not sure No clue Tutorial Spread the deck Delete ×