4.04 Sun, Wind and Rain

Understand /12
4.4.5 If Only…

Always, simply

Always Always
If the sun is hot, I go inside.
If the sun is not hot, I go outside.
If my mother wakes up early, she makes breakfast.
If I wake up earlier, I make breakfast.

Make three more sentences like these. Use any of these words:

  • Register - Login
  • Login - Display
  • Copy - Paste
  • Click - Delete
  • Click - Send


Just Now

Just now In the future
If I boil the water, it will be hot.
If I go to the gym, I will be tired after that.
If you put some ice in my tea, I will drink it.
If the price is low, I will buy the necklace.

Make three more sentences like these. Use any of these words:

  • Cut - Hurt
  • Fall - Cry
  • Take pills - Get well
  • Go - Treat
  • Teach - Know

With CAN

If you are hungry, you can eat my sandwich.