7.1 How we Learn English
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7.1.3 Speaking
How to improve speaking?
- Listening can improve speaking skills, too. Learning a language won’t work by rote memorisation, but through practice, practice and practice.
- Think in English. It is not easy, as we don’t even register the language of thoughts while thinking. However there is a sure way to do it: imagine that you are going to talk to a native speaker who doesn’t speak your language.
- Can you translate with ease? Not really. There is a popular app, Duolingo, which helps you learn English through translation exercises. It works only at a basic level. Why? Because when you speak English you have to think in English. Just imagine that multilingual people have multibrains, and they switch between them according to the language they use. Not only that you have no time to translate while speaking, but also, we express ourselves in different ways in English than in other languages. The logic of languages differ, and it is impossible to translate a language verbatim to another one. If you don’t believe me, just use the Google translator for complex sentences. You might get some very funny results...
- Take all the possible opportunities to speak English. Get friends, classmates, family members to speak. Convince them that it is a posh thing to speak in English (of course, it is).
- Find a Voice chat room on the internet. Link to a British Voice chat room.
- You have probably heard the advice that you should teach something if you really want to understand it. Teach someone whose English is not as good as yours. Teaching is the best way to learn, because you use what you have learnt. It also helps to improve creativity and other communiction skills:
- You prepare to teach, you are motivated to find and fill the gaps in your knowledge
- You teach by explaining ideas, and asking questions
- You observe the learners and give feedback on their performance
- In the meantime you also practice the learning material by yourself.